Numark NS7FX DJ Controller Review
The NS7FX is a premium DJ controller product by Numark, which combines the feel of real vinyl decks, with the performance of a digital controller. It is made up of a premium mixer, along with 2 motorized torque turntables, that are adjustable, and made with real vinyl covers to give you that professional & authentic feeling that will satisfy the most hardcore of turntablist. The NS7FX features a range of powerful effects controls for direct manipulation of the effects that are built into the included Serato ITCH software.
The NS7FX is packed full of knobs, premium faders and with new features such as the strip search virtual needle drop that works perfectly with Serato ITCH. The NS7FX is faster and more integrated with your PC or Mac. Upto 10 times faster than the standard MIDI connection, with its 24 bit USB digital audio interface. You receive a real low latency and high precision control, giving you a really professional and real time rock solid integration between DJ hardware & software. If you want the real feel of vinyl, and you haven’t been persuaded to shift to digital DJing, then this will do it for you.

The Numark NS7FX Dj controller has been designed with Serato ITCH in mind. Its an easily integratable solution for all your mixing, beat matching, and scratching that you want to do. Its built to be a complete out of the box finest digital DJ experience. You can just plug it in and play, there is no mapping or tweaking to set it up, so you can get busy straight away.
The jog wheels that the NS7FX has are 7″ in size, and they are aluminum high torque platters. They are real vinyl records so you get the ultimate original feel for your mixing, and you can even replace the standard ones with red and blue options. The crossfader is a CP-Pro high precision, and the faders are a D-Type line. They all have a quality feel to them. The CP-Pro digital mixer has a quality feel and durability to it. Just like the crossfader is replaceable, so are the line faders. You can adjust the contours, as well as reverse adjust the crossfader for customization of its operation.
The system of using the NS7FX is simple. You can forget using the keyboard or mouse, the ITCH software is so closely integrated that you can navigate through your music library with the help of the backlit buttons and click knob. This means you’ll spend less time looking at your laptop screen, and spend more time controlling the over 100 hands on controls that the NS7FX has.
As well as this there are a wide range of onboard audio outputs so you can connect a PA system to it, or powered speakers. The NS7FX soundcard outputs 24bit 44.1 khz digital audio to the XLR and RCA outputs. On the front of the controller you find a microphone input, RCA line input and 2 headphone outputs with 1/4″ and 1/8″ sizes. There is a volume control for the headphones. Along with the NS7FX, you also get a laptop stand that allows you to safely and securely mount your laptop, making it easy to setup at your gigs, or even in the club. With the on screen waveform that the NS7FX has you can track any point in a track, and use the strip search, which is the controller’s own virtual needle drop technology.

There are 5 hot cue buttons on each of the decks, to help digitally mark your hot cue points on each of the tracks. These cue points are recallable in Serato ITCH, and Scratch Live as you are using it. To help with creative remixing there is a Serato style loop section on each of the decks. You can decide to use manual or auto loop functions, and even the automatic BPM analyzer to help you with your beat matching and loops. You really have the option to tear up your tracks, and mix them to your hearts content. There are a variety of controls such as shift, doubling, and halving, along with many other manual controls. If you’re a club Dj, then you’re going to love the multiple loop banks feature too.
If you’re a fan of beat matcher you’ll have a great time too, as there is now a zero point LED on the NS7FX that tells you when you’re exactly in the middle with your bending. plus and minus buttons and also 100mm smooth yet stiff pitch sliders. The internals of the NS7FX have been carefully designed to create a minimized circuit path, to reduce noise. There is only 1 bipolar capacity inside too. The design itself features a professional appearance, with a clean matte and glossy black color. The housing of the controller is an industrial strength metal casing that provides safety & protection from even the most careless of Dj’s.
This is a complete controller solution if your already a fan of Serato software you’ll find the conversion from vinyl to digital even easier too.